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Tuesday June 8th

Simply another day. Its chief dis-
tinction is the appearance of the sun for 
a few hours. I devoted the bulk to the day 
to sleep and I am beginning to sleep soundly 
in contrast to my former continuous 
drowsiness I am now wide awake 
or dead gone.

Forgive me if I still pull the 
measly feathers of "Heihnchen": I ob-
ject to stories on bedbugs to amuse
guests at a wedding dinner. This sort
of humor belongs into the same class
to which "Speckstippe" belongs as a diet.

I just received a Marcony in
reply to greetings I sent to Mr. Busk
on the Mauretania.

Evening in the captains cabin
with Baron von Breitenstein, Prof.
Heitsen and Hirth. Capt. Nampf im-
presses me very much, an intelligent
man; the Baron has seen a good deal
of this world and seems to be a person 
of consequence at home.

Wednesday June 9th
Same as yesterday, only worse. Gales
blowing. My cabin is the best place on
board. For a June wedding this is a
little out of the common. Walked over
an hour on the deck. Slept 3 hours P.M.

Transcription Notes:
The spelling of names is likely incorrect, his penmanship makes "e" and "i" look very similar.