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Heinrich's Vacation will not begin before the 20th. Oscar I cannot see at all; he is on some island in the Adriatic Sea - for his health - poor fellow. My only consolation is Schimkowitz, who is glad to see me; I am sure he will have time.  

If I could manage to sleep a couple of hours, all would be better, but I tried it - no use. And I ought to be tired enough.  

Professors and I lunched at Lucas, excellently, drove about Paris and the Bois for the rest of the afternoon, in consequence I feel less dishevelled mentally.  Mrs. Hilsner promised me a pill to make me sleep. In an hour I will leave for Vienna. 
Sunday, June 13th

Well, here is Austria! And it's raining. Heavy clouds all the way. France is a richer country, I see that my poor "Heimattsland" is chiefly sand and gravel.

We passed Linz, I see the Danube. St. Pölten, wo ich Lingschickt worden bin die Hoffman Anmerl zin vergessen! 

1 P.M.   And now I am in Vienna - I don't recognize it any more!