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piece and gave it to me [[strikethrough]] this [[/strikethrough]]. Then he took that lovely porcellan miniature of his mother from the wall and gave it to me. Maura opened her bureau drawer and brought out broche after broche - I could not stop her. They seemed to be so happy to know that I would care for these long forgotten heirlooms and keep them „in Ehren".

Mija, indeed, these are dear heirlooms and the clock and the portrait will be beautiful ornaments in addition. I am so happy to have them. 

Papa then wandered back in his thoughts talking of Grossmama Bitter and for the first time from his lips I heard what little his [[he]] knows of his parents: Grossvaters name was: Arnold Wilhelm Bitter, he was born at Neuenrade in Westphallen [[Westphalia]]. „Armer Leute Kind" we know that. But as a youngster Napoleon drafted him with many unfortunate Westphalians for the