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[[image - painting]]
Woman Seated.  JOHN D. GRAHAM.
(Collection Mr. and Mrs. T. Furlong)

All fire and daring, such is Graham, a personality significant and unique. Every new painting is a new adventure, he thrills. Powerfull and profound he leads you in his own circle. Explorer and discoverer, his esthetic signalization perplexes and astounds. He is an artist, still young, but whose influence already can be felt. Graham has gone through many stages and influences, he absorbs them, digests them, and casts them away. His period of white eggs and cups is personal and potent, his latest painting, Minimalism, can be likened to Antarctic exploration, with its unknown dangers, tenebrous darkness, and ultimate questions, to be solved. Or is it a flight into interplanetary spaces? Who knows? Minimalism, to a man of a smaller stature, could be fatal.

Graham is young and strong, and one day he will surprise us with a new twist in his searching ways. Who knows?

Last summer's exhibition of Graham's work in Paris was hailed as an event by men like Louis Vauxcelles, Andre Warnod, Fernand Leger, Andre Salmon, and Waldemar George who wrote a book about him.