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terrible pictures on the wall & Bill dragging out of the closet his own- some of them very very good- an interior at Muriel Draper's is awfully good- a kind of doleful look on each of the friends- talk a little hushed it was like sitting in a morgue and it had a terrible impact & had gone in feeling very very gay- & came out crushed  I revived at dinner- T.O. & I ate out last night - & then came back here
while Oggie talked &  wrote Dad & Tom played & talked -I talked + sewed I put some tulle basting around the neck of that little black semi dress- (has a jacket with gold) -& a wider piece to make
short sleeve kind of things- doubled & over lapping - thus  [[drawing of a dress top]] - do you get the idea? It makes it look quite fresh & gay- no longer a wee bit heavy looking - as it was At least I think so- for I can only see a bit of me in my mirror I must to work - much love Esther