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has gone ahead  It was a very exhilarating
afternoon- Bill is a corker- + much
milder + calmer than he used to be I enjoyed
the afternoon no end And his criticisms were worth while Liked certain drawings
a lot- discussed my various trends
said I must look out not to draw eyes the
same (good criticism that - had never
thought of it)  Then Walter
Keller + you came to dinner + we went
uptown to a movie "42nd St." very
entertaining - it was the complete
show a musical show- all the
rehearsals etc- ending is a
little abrupt but some of the shots
are superb + it is very good fun to see
Walter is a corker-
Today- paint on Russian scene in the
morning- Giovanna comes this P.M.
Alexi + Bill for dinner
Friday is beer day-"Beer year's Eve" as Tom calls it + we are going to have a party- welsh rabbit salad beer + fruit- very simple- eat
off their laps - not at a table- there will be thirteen of us At the boys'