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Just think of that!!
I lunched with Frances Maybie at her office - huge marble building - cafeterias - tea rooms etc. Western Union. They have a good idea - instead of laying men off - they have turned them to other paying jobs. They have many iron workers & cabinet workers - They now make furniture - cannot by their legal rights set up a furniture store - but through their help - numbering thousands - & to their help they sell at practically cost - thus keeping their men & being able to pay them. They make lamps - (only a few are good designs) iron stands for plants - iron tables tile topped - (almost very handsmoe - sometimes the tiles are awful) they make hot dish tiles - set into metal - & cigarette containers - & garden simple furniture - and tables - awful tables mostly - except for one design of Duncan Phyfe - if only they had someone to steer them to good designers - but I suppose what they make sells better