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May 3

Dearest Muzdad,

Oliver sat around Monday & yesterday with no case - then at 4 he was chosen as juryman on a damage suit case - (no pun intended) He gets two hours for lunch & turns up at 8th St to see the works - the floor of his office is being laid - & I think by the end of the week plastering will have begun. Elliot Orr called on us at the garden yesterday - & Mr. Rothewell came to see what our garden looked like - it begins to look. We said nothing of offices to him - & though I suppose he has a great curiosity - the garden I think is a beautiful blind to what really goes on - I think he was very much surprised at the ammount of garden we have achieved - &  it is really quite considerable - my back is no longer lame - but I have a kink in an arm today - brand new muscles - it makes you feel very healthy. Tom did a powerful lot yesterday - he