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Wednesday eve
May 10

Dear Muzdad -

I painted on the baby from the drawings - got nowhere - too much going on - Tom banging below - the electrician next me - but I think I will go on with it tomorrow - then by Friday I hope he will be well enough to draw - and having painted I will know what to look for in further efforts
Anyway I shall get something worth while in a drawing & - maybe get something later on-. 
The studio was very nice - but I had a headache (gone now - the remains of an indigestion) - & also it seamed still chalky from fallen plaster - & an electrician is quiet but poor company. 

Yesterday I did a most rash & crazy thing - I prefer to wait to see you before telling you- I think you will perhaps not think it so crazy Anyway I am crazy- completely!!!

Transcription Notes:
image - sketch of infant