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than good by Paris it is the same facinating Paris.

I have not done any thing important that is any thing large mostly all sketches but I got what I came over for a new impulse I was somewhat bewildered when I first got over here but I think Cezanne will influence me more than the others. I think so now 

Cezanne died about six month ago. and they had some photographs taken of some decorations on his studio walls

[[margin note]] [Ester Williams Papers] [[/margin note]]

somewhere in the country and they were done under chinese influence one can easily detect it and it came to me quite as a surprise

I hope you have had a fine summer and you and Mr. Williams enjoyed the seashore and the children also

the photograph which you gave me to leave at la Hisse I would not have left it there if I did go I would have show it and brought it back again it was almost to fine to leave up there among them so I am bringing it back