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Por Avion

23 July

Darling- arrived this morning, after a hot & soft coal dirty trip overnight from Seville. Some train ride! Wonderful 
scenery at 7 a.m. tho'. Settled at this plush spot, shower & b'fast, & then rushed across street to Prado (it closes 1:30-4:30; open 4:30-7). Bought 2 huge eng. & Span. Catalogues, 
& drifted through. It's best museum I've even been in -- & the pictures! In that 1/2 hr. & I just managed to get a fleeting look - but I changed from exhaustion to 
100% excitement & pep in 2 seconds. Murillos I thought dreadful all over Andalusia are clean & bright & beautiful here. Rooms full of Goya, Valasquez- a beautiful Ribera, The dream of Jacob. Must siesta now before 4:30. Madrid best stop so far- clean, big, airy, active. Still no mail from you, & I'm anxious. Qué pasa? Called Davises- they're expected back from Malaga today. Seeing Margaret's friends Mon.,& Mr. & Mrs. Alex. Brook tonight. For chrisake, write. I wish to hell you were here. Oceans of love & X, Helen. 

Vilazquez Monipe Museo del Prado.

Mr. Clement Greenberg
90 Bank Street
New York 14
New York
U. S. A.

Por Avion