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18 August

Alrededores del Hotel y vista panorámica.
Environs of the Hotel and panoramic view.
Environs de l'Hôtel et vue panoramique.

Dear Clem - Lots of sand & oil - Wish you were here - What the he .- are you doing in Manhattan anyway?
love - A

Avi wrote this to you on the beach this a.m. She's pregnant. Gave her 2 Commentarys with your articles in them. Strange & only fair dinner pty there last night - (Ripper's pictures; ouy vai!). Life is trés gay & snappy here, but I'm getting sitz-fleish, & ready to go tomorrow a.m. What's about L.I. hurricane? Miss you more. xx. Yr. Helen


Por Avio


Mr. Clement Greenberg
90 Bank Street
New York City 14
New York