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Helen Frankenthaler, Tape Roll 3, Camera Roll 3
Take 5
Take 6

[[strikethrough]] MC [[/strikethrough]] HF

Always. From the early thirties. In fact, Bob always looked at me as if to say--you missed your call. (INAUDIBLE) old Ethel Merman--red, hot and blue.. . .I feel very stupid today, very manufacturing. When did he do it?


...[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] tired and your next day is a total loss. But you know for years I thought he drank water--he used to run out to get this full glass of water--vodka. . . . OK. Yes, but you see--oh, all right. Yes. Well, I had--Clem brought Morris and Ken around after I had done this big picture called Mountains and the Sea and another picture like it called Shatter. -a bit smaller. And a whole series of which this was one--in 1952. And very few people who had seen these pictures responded at all. Clem did, Friedle did, and a few people who saw my pictures at the (INAUDIBLE) Gallery, but very few. I mean most of them would say--what is this girl about? You know, it just looks like blots of (INAUDIBLE) smeared marks. And both Ken and Morris did get itor [[it or]] if they didn't get it, felt they wanted to. But I think, I think Clem was the one who had the recognition originally.