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Remember those good old days with P. Livemont on the rue Royale? I draw a blank on my past a propos' your most recent communication

My dear Sir, it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to face the postman every morning; already acquainted with my dealings with B. Reis, A. Emmeit, the Playboy crowd, etc., he is now tuned-in to my indiscreet postcard correspondence, with you. Let alone RM! RM, who never used to watch me like a hawk while I shuffled the mail. 
But stop it. We love it. More.

[[stamp]] Post Office Department 
United States of America
Officially sealed 
By [[image]] [[/stamp]]

[[stamps]] Helen Frankenthaler 
Do not bend 
Motherwell Slide [[/stamps]]

[[stamp]] 50 + Bob [[/stamp]]

©SandyVal Graphics Ltd. 1966

Art Nouveau and Turn-of-the-Century Posters in miniature by SandyVal New York - 09

[[stamp]] New York N.Y. [[/stamp]]

[[stamp]] United States Washington 5¢ [[/stamp]]

Post Card

Mr. Ad Reinhandt
209 East 19th Street 
New York City