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45;Painting in the US, 1946-1949, Carnegie Inst, Pittsburgh, Pa;
Am Drawing Elements[?], Norfolk Mas, Va, 60's; pins many others.
Teaching: Leetr[?] painting, Am Univ, Washington, DC, 55-
Positions: Pres, Artists Guild Washington Water-
color Club; art therapist, St Elizabeth Hesp[?], Washington, DC 43-
54; art therepist, Chestnut Lodge, Rockville, Md, 56-
Awards: Purchase[?] awards in several am, Nat Print Exhib, Ldbr[?] of
Ceng[?], Washington, DC, 43-; purchase awards in watercolors, Va
Artists, Va Mas Fine Arts, 43; Cannon prise in graphic arts, Nat Acad Design, 54.
Bibliography: L Ward (auth), Printmakers of tomorrow, Parmasaus[?], 
3/39; H Salpeter (auth), Prentiss Taylor, Coronet, 4/39 A Cohen
(auth), Printiss Taylor, DC Gasette, 70.
Memberships: Assoc Nat Acad Design (graphics class); Sec Am
Graphic Artists; Philadelphia Watercolor Club; Artists Equity
AM[?] (bd[?] mom, 71); Sec Washington Printmakers (pres, 43-).
Research: Art as psychotherapy; How art may reintegrate the dis-
ordered mind; Talent/status vs expectancy achievement.

Taylor Prentiss (Hottel) card 2 of 3

Publications: Illner[?], Negro mother, 31; Scottsboro limited,
32;illner[?], Why birds sing, 33; Illner[?], American herb calendar,
Dealer; Frans Bader, 2124 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC
Mailing Address: J 718 Arlington Towers, Arlington, VA 22209.

Taylor, Prentiss (Hottel) card 3 of 3