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Page Two
August 6, 1997

Nights One and Three
Regarding the other two evenings. The first night will look into Harlem Renaissance artists including Aaron Douglas. The producer of the third evening, as you know from Tanayi Seabrook, is developing a story about the Black Arts Movement; they look forward to receiving The People's Art: Black Murals of the 1960s and 70s.

We are traveling to Washington in early September to conduct research on the WPA and Harmon Foundation at the National Archives and Alain Locke's papers at Moorland-Spingarn. Any advice you could share on negotiating these collections for information on Harlem artists in the 1930s-40s would be greatly appreciated. You can reach me at (617)867-4043 and please call me collect if you'd like.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Very truly,
Tracy Heather Strain
Producer/Director, Night Two
direct tel. line: (617)867-4043

Enclosures (2)