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have me on the way to Nantucket which I should get to about the middle of August. Ilse I will go to after Labor Day.

You don't mention your health which means, I hope, that it is more or less back to normal, rather than that there is some persistence on its part that gores you or annoys you too much to speak of it. Mine is good but I get dimmer and dimmer.

But my HAIR! There, perhaps, is where all my strength has gone. Lincoln said, and he was being quite kind, that I look like the Abbe Liszt. More accurately, I look like someone trying to impersonate Liszt at his MOSZT WORSZT and using, for the transformation, last year's crow's nest. Something will have to be done!

You could have "skipped all that Shakespere" [[Shakespeare]] indeed! Isn't he the Beethoven and Michelangelo of literature?

I can hardly wait "to sit, to talk - or keep quiet - as the spirit moves"

Love, Paul