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Stephen D. Paine 
330 Beacon Street
Boston, Mass. 02116

Apartment 106

June 15, 1966

Mr. Robert Schoelkopf
825 Madison Avenue
New York 21, N.Y. 

Dear Mr. Schoelkopf:

Dealing with you is full of surprises! Again, I am puzzled as to the difference of your approach and that of other dealers that I have been doing business with. 

Frankly, I admire your courage in returning the check. I find that most art dealers are a gutless lot and doing what you did, takes a degree of business courage which most of them do not possess. 

Nevertheless, I am persistent, too, and I know that it is very common practice to grant a 10% discount in such cases. I do not feel that it is fair for institutions to get a better break than individuals. It would seem more appropriate to me that either a firm price be set with no room for bargaining or that a standard discount be offered to all retail customers in return for prompt payment, group purchase, etc. 

I operate a very tight financial ship - this money is already allocated for the purchase and I suggest that you accept this check. Anyway, you have a while to think about it, for I commence immediately a good deal of traveling, and I will be unavailable for further correspondence until late summer. If you are not willing to go along with this, I shall have to ask for some kind of delayed payment provision, for in my own business, I can make up this difference within 6 to 12 months very easily. 

With kindest regards and my best wishes to you for a good summer. 

Sincerely yours, Stephen D Paine P
Stephen D. Paine 

P.S. - If you would like references on me, I suggest you contact Mrs. Chalette, Mr. Peris, Mr. Allan Stone or Mr. Deitsch, among others.