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May 16, 1967

Mr. Joseph Cornell 
3708 Utopia Parkway
Flushing, New York 

Dear Mr. Cornell: 

I had made for our files a list of the most recent collages which you have consigned to us, but had not sent a copy to you. Here, at last, is the list. I am sorry for the delay. 

[[2 columned table]]
|   | Suggested Selling Price | 
| --- | --- |
[[left margin]] sold [[/left margin]] | Tomaso Dossi", 8⅛" x 11⅛" | $1000 |[[right margin]] [[strikethrough]] Hirshhorn [[/strikethrough]] Sold Inv 6895 5/23/68 
[[/right margin]]
[[left margin]] Sold [[/left margin]] | "Rapport De Contreras", 8½ x 11½" | $1000 | [[strikethrough]] Hirshhorn [[/strikethrough]] 

| "Reizen", 8¾" x 11¾" | 850 | 

| "Metamorphosis" (Medardo Rosso), 11 5/8" x 8 5/8" | 750 | 

| "Metamorphosis" (dog), 8 3/8" x 11 3/8" | 750 |

| Untitled (clock), 81½" x 8½" | 1000 | [[right margin]] - Holland [[/right margin]]  


Elizabeth Oppenheimer 
