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April 29, 1959

Dear Mr. Groh:

I have written Joe Cornell to tell him of my interest in representing him in our forthcoming exhibition of alumni, "Andover In the Visual Arts," and have suggested to him that if he has any preferences as to three or four pieces which we may exhibit, he might let you know. Assuming that you may not hear from him, I would very much like to select not more than four works this coming Friday afternoon to bring back to Andover by car. I shall bring with me four cartons with packing material in which the Cornell pieces can be laid and trust that the road surface will be kind. We have a Fine Arts Floater policy and they will be automatically insured from the time they are consigned to us until their return at whatever figure you may give me later on.

I have also mentioned to Joe my interest in persuading our Art Committee to purchase one of these pieces for I believe he should be represented in our collection as well as in the exhibition. How successful I can be in this respect is another matter.

Sincerely yours,
Bartlett Hayes Jr.
Bartlett H. Hayes, Jr.

Mr. Alan Groh
Stable Gallery
924 Seventh Avenue at 58th Street
New York 19, New York
