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William R. Mead, Esq.
President, American Academy in Rome
101 Park Avenue, New York

Dear Mr. Mead:

When I was in Rome last summer and saw the beautiful new Academy Building on the Janiculum, I was fired with the desire to do something that would be a token, however humble, of my appreciation of the three wonderful years so full of happy memories, which I spent at the Academy. As a result, the idea of presenting a fountain to be placed in the Founders' Court came to me and, encouraged by Mr. Stevens, I set to work in one of the studios of the Villa Mirafiore and made a start which I afterwards completed in New York.

The fountain is now on exhibition at the Architectural League and portrays the infant Hercules strangling the serpent which was sent to destroy him. It is intended to symbolize Youth's Triumph over Adversity.

I now offer this bronze figure and its pedestal to theAcademy, asking only that the Academy provide a bowl of marble or granite, in accordance with the design as I have modelled it.

I regret that at the present time I cannot afford to present the bowl also but I hope that the Trustees will find it possible to have it made, should they accept the statue.

With kindest personal regards, I am,

Very sincerely yours,