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Sixty-sixth year of continuous publication
Volume 66, Number 9, January, 1968



Cover: Among the extensive holdings of the Museum of Primitive Art, New York, to which this special issue is devoted, is this Tlingit Indian (Alaska) mask of a dead man, 19th-20th centuries, 13 5/8 inches high. At the time of its first contact with Western civilization at the end of the 18th century, Indian art of the Northwest Coast had already developed a definite, characteristic style. Its forms and symbols survived the introduction of metal tools, which even helped it flourish in the middle of the 19th century. Its decline in the second half of the century was due less to technical change than the disintegration of Indian life as a whole, a process which has continued to the present day. In this painted wood mask, the closed eyes indicate death. The piece of walrus hide over the forehead was part of a more complete headdress. Museum of Primitive Art photos, Charles Uht [cover, pp.28-42].

Editor Thomas B. Hess
Executive Editors John Ashbery, Harris Rosenstein
Senior Editor Henry A. La Farge
Managing Editor Elizabeth C. Baker
Associate Editor Dolores Fenn

Editorial Associates
Michael Benedikt, Rosalind Browne, Al Brunelle, Scott Burton, Lawrence Campbell, Rackstraw Downes, Natalie Edgar, Amy Goldin, Jane Gollin, Bruce D. Hooton, Kim Levin, Ellen Mandelbaum, John Perreault, Ralph Pomeroy, Lynn H. Schafran, Marcia Tucker, Claire Nicolas White, Marlene Zucker

Contributing Editors
Julien Alvard, Paris
Milton Gendel, Rome
John Russell, London
Joshua Kind, Chicago
Jane Hoag, Los Angeles

Design Director Bradbury Thompson

General Manager Alvin Garfin
Advertising Manager Roslyn E. Mandel
Advertising Rep. Sephine B. Melrod
Advertising Ass't. Marian Conner
Production Manager Rena Shindelman
Production Ass't. Robert Preato

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80 Haymarket, London S.W. 1, England,
European telephone TRA 6166, London.
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444 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022
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Telephone: 212-838-3730

ARTNEWS is published monthly, September through June, and copyright: 1968, by NEWSWEEK, INC.

The complete contents of each issue of ARTNEWS are indexed in The Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature monthly, and in The Art Index, published quarterly and available in public libraries. The name, cover, colorplates and contents of ARTNEWS are protected by copyright in the U.S.A. and in foreign countries and may not be reproduced in any manner in whole or in part without consent. Entered as 2nd class matter Feb. 5, 1909, 2nd class postage paid at New York, N.Y. and various additional mailing offices. 

Subscription rates: $11.50 per year (foreign $1 additional): $16.45 per year, including ARTNEWS ANNUAL (foreign $1.50 additional). Single copies of ARTNEWS ANNUAL, $6.95.

Sixty-sixth year of continuous publication
Volume 66, Number 9, January, 1968


28 The Art of Primitive Arts Roy Sieber
44 Esthetics in Traditional Africa Robert Farris Thompson
46 What's That, the '68 Stella? Wow! Frederick Castle
→ 48 Artschwager's Mental Furniture Elizabeth C. Baker
50 In Memory of My Feelings John Ashbery


35 Carved Lintel Maya, Mexico
36 Shirt Inca, Peru
37 Tomb Post Inca, Peru
38 Drum Nazca, Peru
39 Malanggan New Ireland
39 Canoe Prow New Guinea
40 Helmet Mask Elema, New Guinea
41 Hornbill Headdress Senufo, Ivory Coast
41 Ceremonial Board Siane, New Guinea
42 Poro Society Mask Ngere, Liberia


6 Editor's Letters
8 Art New International
10 Reviews and Previews
17 Coming Auctions
18 Masters in the Art News
22 London John Russell
24 Paris Julien Alvard
25 Bookshelf John Rewald
27 Editorial
52 Los Angeles Jane Hoag
71 International Exhibitions Calendar
73 New York Calendar
74 When and Where to Exhibit
74 Competitions, Scholarships

English Romantic paintings, sensible and sublime, 1760-1860 ... Adolph Gottlieb's double-museum retrospective, from elliptical pictographs to apocalyptical bursts ... Younger moderns, cool and hot: Larry Zox, Ralph Humphrey, Al Held, Les Levine ... Major museum acquisitions include portraits by Houdon and Velazquez and a great Murillo biblical scene.