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[Dec. 17, 1911] KSD


Love to Nene & Tante Heidlauff

December 17th 1911

Dearest Sister Mary, Dorothea.
Many many thanks for your letters - the mail to Germany certainly is passing strange for Dodo's letter of Dec. 5th reached me three days before Marys from Thanksgiving Day- I feel for the first time in years that I have earned my Christmas Vacation- This is my record since October 9th to Dec. 16th

Hours of work   420
Drawings        294
Oil studies       3
Tempera           1
Poster            1
Lythographs b. & w.  8
Lythographs color    2

What seems strange are the hours - I cannot reconcile the number to my feelings - for again & again I have felt that I barely had time for dinner