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D. #2

hope that they have at last discovered the cause for surely it must be terrible to be an invalid for years and years as he has been.

I am enclosing a letter from Mr. Kuhn and I hope that by now you have the panels. Have you tried them and how do you like them? You will see by the letter how deeply we have appreciated your generosity in making our school possible, and I think you will feel that it has been more than worth while when you see the results yourself. I was up there the other day and feel that these panels are going to be among the finest mural decorations that have been made lately in America. Except for the Puvis de Chavanne, I don't know of any in this country as purely decorative as these and when I saw the young men who were doing them and their earnestness I realized fully what a rare opportunity you had made possible. It is a great thing you have done and I know it will bring you much satisfaction. We hope to have them up by the first of next year and as I told you the whole restaurant is being done over to bring forth the beauty of these panels.

I had a very happy evening with the two