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D. #3 

Alice's when they were in New York. We went together to see the Tales of Hoffman at the Century and I really was amazed how well it was given. I have been perfectly swamped with getting Marie Apel settled as well as starting a committee to stand by The Voter, our suffrage paper. Incredible as it seems, I haven't been able to do a stroke of work personally and I won't for another work [[week]] as I must go up to see Ruth next week to see how the child is doing, but then I think the road is clear and I must say I am grateful. It really is terrible to think that four and half months can go by claiming so many details that one cannot do one's work. 

I am sorry this matter has fallen through about the Simpson's. I doubt whether it would be wise for me to go there with Ruth. I think it would have been all right if everyone had gone, but I think it would seem a little odd if I went alone as it would create a relationship which I am not sure would be the wiest [[wisest]] and best. It would make it more personal while the other would have left it impersonal. 

Tuesday was the meeting of the German Home to which Maude and I went. Maude as usual was very amusing