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D. #4

ing and she is actually coming over to dine with me tonight and go to Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw. I teased her a lot to think that I have been in New York for two years and that this is the first time she comes to see me and only because she is going with me to the theater. We had great fun after the meeting. I am so delighted that Miss Wierck has taken her mother's place. She is so efficient and sort of full of fun that it adds a great deal of life to the group. They all teased me a lot about Maude not being a suffragist and Mrs. Munnich said that she didn't think I could have much power of persuasion if I couldn't persuade my best friend, whereupon I said Maude wasn't  my best friend, at which they all roared.
We all miss you very much and it will be wonderful to thin that maybe next year you will be able to come to a meeting or two.
How do you like The Nightingale? Don't you think it's delicious? I think the humor is delightful. What else have you been reading?
I must close now for Mrs. Moore is giving a children's fair with her grandchildren for all the little children of the neighborhood. It is to be for the