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[Month?] 1915 

[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamp]]


vote whether we are to have Suffrage next year or not. These are trying weeks just now for there must be so much organizing - The summer work up state, the autumn work in the city. Getting Ruth off to her summer work and getting the work of the Mural Shop in shape to submit to Mr. [[Bustansky?]] before the 20th  Ruth I take to the city tomorrow & from there we motor to Croton where the Elizabeth Duncan School is = Then tomorrow night is the meeting of the Shop - Wednesday we are all going to work hard to lick it into shape. Thursday I go to Greystone to lunch with Mrs. [[Auberenger?]] & work out a program for next autumn. She is 1st Vice-Chairman of our Committee. If only everything goes through. But it is hard to face disappointment when one is tired -

There has been a lot to do on the farm here - I had to dismiss the boy - and look for another person. The water