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is insufficient and we are trying another scheme - Then the flower garden won't amount to much because of the poor work of the boy - My automobile didn't come & I had to chose another make. I have bought a "Chevrolet" which is just as good as the "Dort", more comfortable to sit in, but not as good to look at: So you see my time is well occupied - Everything will be in splendid running order by the time you come in September.

It has been lovely having Tante Heidlauffe here= She & Ruth send lots of love= How nice to have Miss Dana to pose for you. You must be having a good time painting. I can quite understand about Mrs Marsh - she is a dear person & I send you her note - she couldn't come after all. If sometime in the summer you want someone - I would ask her if you feel like it. She is so attractive - as her note shows - She would be lovely to paint. It is dear of you to offer me a dress like Mary's. If I were a little more slender I would accept immediately - But don't you think it would make me look too heavy.