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April 5, 1920 

Dear Dodo: 

As you know I brought the 100,000 mark, on which we decided, the other day, to put aside for our aunt, at 1,45, which amounts to $1,450. of which your share is $290. I followed the decision we reached when we talked about the matter, of having it placed in my name to my account in the Dresdner Bank in Detmold. I will have sent to Tante Meta 5,000 mark quarterly, which I hope will meet her needs nicely. 

Your share of the pin, which cost $90.00, which we all gave to Nanette is $22.50, making a total of $312.50. 

I would appreciate it very much if I could have this check as soon as possible, as I am under heavy expenses just now. I refer to a matter which I am contemplating doing and on which I am working, and when it is a little more perfected I want to tell you about it, as I hope it will give you pleasure also. 

What a good time we all had with you yesterday. 


Kate. =