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135 Central Park West 
New York 

Dear Dodo: 

I want to draw your attention to my Liberty Landaulet. As you know, a Landaulet can be either open or closed. You know that I am not going to use it this year, and I thought that you might like to have the advantage of having the car during the winter months. It cost me $2650.00 with freight, and the price has gone up to $2700.00 without freight, and with freight to approximately $2800.00. 

Cars are constantly going up and I question very much whether your little Chevrolet will last very much longer than another year if in constant use. I understand that already they have given up this model and are making a new one. This means a delay in case any part gets worn out and needs replacing. You can therefore see that it is of advantage to have two cars. In fact, I would never be without two if I were using them. I found that I never was without a car, while Mary was always without a car. 

If you want to have the advantage of having my Landaulet, I would let you have it for $2500.00 as it has only been used five hundred miles. It is a beautiful car, with gray upholstery and ivory and silver trimmings, similar to the picture which I enclose, only that the back be opened up like so many of the taxis. You can pay me in instalment, which would be a saving to you,