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wishes do let me know, just think a little over 3 weeks & off to the ocean. Just think what I did, Mama asked Tante Meta to come for her birthday well she could not so I wrote her a long letter and invited her for mine on the ocean, if she would honor me I could let uncle know & then he could come & get us of course "Castles in the air", but I did expect an answer so if no notice is taken I shall write another wonderful letter before I leave, I am in the mood for anything. I wrote Willie one which must have rather I believe astonished him, it was full of nonsense except the very last lines but perhaps it did not affect him in the least

It is really too bad that you were not in London, Berlin & Millan with us. Oh last night while in restaurant suddenly who should walk through the room but Alvarez, he looked [[?]] a marvellous fur coat at least [[?]] we were very much surprised I can tell you.

We shall go back tomorrow evening to spend Sunday there. Then Monday to Bremen. We take embroidery lessons now G. & I, it is great fun how is school la meme chose oui?

Well goodbye & good night from your loving sister Dorothea A. Dreier

Well - - - - - 

Do you here from your friends, I addressed a letter to M. Seaman a friend in America  They must think me crazy ne c'est pas