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Uncle Alex + his pictures

[[stamp]] Archives of American Art [[/stamp]]
Mrs. Peter Vorhees

August 18, 1891

My dear brother, 

Please accept my heartiest wishes to your birthday, and that you will have a pleasant day and many other happy days - We have had two beautiful days here and I do hope they will continue.

You no doubt enjoyed your vacation in the mountains and with bright days I hope. 

We are finally settled here but Papa G. & I are going to the Haus for a few days. Mrs. J. Achelis is there she will be on the same steamer with us on our way home. The two 

2 II

Schleswig cousins are here they are very excited all the time, I believe they have not been away from home for or so far before, one is 11 the other 12 years very nice girls.

I tried sketching here and this afternoon did one in a brand new sketch book which I bought this morning. It will no doubt interest you, I am having a dress made here, I am very sorry you are not here to send forth your criticism upon it - you must surely feel very sorry - - - - -

I think Tante Meta's house and uncle's very charming - and they seem to have very nice rooms. Sunday evening four of us took supper there, I was