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a little strange at first, but done beautifully and then never have seen her of course it looks different. Tante Meta & Nene think it very good indeed - 
I wonder how you will like it. 

Katie and one of the cousins went walking to-day, here in the bath house they only have [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] small divisions here, but I think it is very nice - 

I had a letter from Mamie Leaman and must answer it and write lots more which I hope to do soon -

G. sends a check I give $3 of the amount and G. $6 the little ones each $ one hope you can make good use of it - 


very pleasant. 

Lina Knoch came yesterday to get her daughter who was staying at Knoch's, the little girl seems very gay and lively, and Lina looks so very learned with her glasses -

Have you seen Mr. Fritz Achelis if so he could tell you about us. We saw Mr. & Mrs Victor in Bremen stayed there two days, spent one dining at Smiths for dinner, the evening at old Mrs. Victor and in between them looked at the two houses, Mr. F.'s & Achelis' and Smidts which seem to turn out very nice houses. The wonderful secret has arrived at first it looks a