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1895 paper
[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamp]
Mrs Peter Vohrees

My dear Edward,

We are going to have a grand dinner tonight in honor of the engaged couple Miss Seaman and Mr. Read and as I was caught in a rain shower am sopping wet and shall spot this thrilling note which I had to begin as I bought this paper extra to write letters to you on for I like big sheets and think it more fun to write on them than real sedate paper.

Well more than a week has passed since I began this and what has happened in between I almost have forgotten. Today it of course rained but cleared most quickly and at present we are having fine weather. The other night Papa [[strikethrough]] M [[/strikethrough]] G. and myself went to the theatre and saw "The Daughters of Eve" a very strange & queer play - some of the actors were acting who played in the "Beat House" the two men at least they reminded me of