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[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamp]]
Mrs Peter Vohrees

Sept. 19. 1895

My dear Edward,

I fear I have not written to you for a very long time and believe it must have been from Rijsoord. Well if you had seen me leave the place you would have groaned. I flew away like a hurricane first place had a frightful time closing my trunk then had to have things sent after and as all screamed I would miss my train I flew into the carriage which landed me in Dord- where I took train to Paris. Met some very pleasant Dutch people - road second class and neither of us knew that it was not as [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] nice as in Holland & Germany we were highly shocked when a man opposite calmly took of his coat and sat there in his flannel shirt with sleeves rolled up - he and a priest became great chums and he related most confidentially his whole history. It was very very hot and I was glad to arrive. We spent a very hot week in Paris running about and getting tired so now we rest here, our cousins are flitterwjel, somehow we cant sympathize so cordially with them. I like Eva very much she is very nice Magda is the same. Lischen is changed very thin and drinks 3 cups of tea in the afternoon which must be the reason as one always says drink tea to get thin. Mariechen looks the same [[strikethrough]] she [[/strikethrough]]