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a little thinner and Gretchen very well these two I only saw for a day. She Mariechen went to Frankfurt for two months to go through her training again, they are always called in once a year I believe_ _ We go there drink tea sit around and work then go out have tea and sit around once more. An Irish girl is coming to stay with Tante she may appear tomorrow. I hope to see her yet her photo was very pleasant looking.

Yesterday friends of the Kirch invited me out - for a walk - some drove and some walked - we drank coffee the young [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] son blew on a horn.

After we returned we had some more goodies then sang and came home - it was a very pleasant afternoon, we saw deer and bears which was very exciting. We chose some of grandmother's books and among them I found a description of grandpapa's visit to N.Y. which is most exciting I really mean interesting also old letters found written to grandpapa from his brother's chiefly etc. They are very finely written but one can read them quite well. Today we four sisters went to Biellefeld [[?]] Mit K 

Transcription Notes:
Best guess is Biellefeld (misspelling of Bielefeld) Mit (with) K.