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[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamp]]
Mrs Peter Vorhees

Dear Edward,
Mama received your letter today and we are glad you are enjoying yourself when you are free to do so. We are having a very good time with Miss Frothingham and Mellie Harter, ride together, walk and rest, moongazing on fields and manage to have a general good time.
Gretchen of course forgot the whistle but I or Katie found one here in village, nevertheless am very much obliged and am not succeeding in playing much. We sketch quite a little

which takes some time.
We drive sometimes in a pretty little Phaeton we hire and the other day three of us drive around the lake which was great fun, but Mary almost thought it necessary for us to put the horse in the carriage and we drive him, but we got home very nicely.
I took Carra & K. to the Coopers then we drove down in our carriage, of course had a thunderstorm but after it had a very beautiful rise. We also took hand down and went by stage, Fritz M. was to escort us and we almost died with laughter when he again did not appear on stage, it was