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[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamp]]
Mrs. Peter Vohrees

6 Montague Terrace.

Dear Edward,

We are having a most rainy Sunday and therefore drove to church. Mr. Boker appeared for dinner and this afternoon spent fixing my room and champooing my hair which I hope will dry while writing to you - We are going to have a dinner here on Thursday, tomorrow I expect to receive with Mamie and sincerely hope to have a pleasant day - We were at a very interesting concert the other night heard the great violinist and some strange music which I greatly enjoyed.

I dined at Maud's last week and we had a pleasant evening - I fear we all were somewhat sleepy - Had a picture framed which uncle gave me last year and which will hang over the mantlepiece and my small landscape must say adieu. Clara May visited the Pierrefonts after [[?]] and I saw quite a