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[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamp]]
Mrs. Peter Vorhees

My dear Edward -

I was very glad finally to hear from you and was I not lucky to have Mr. & Mrs. Mosle take me with them here - it was a long trip but we were glad we came so near our journeys end and so near R.S. where we went to the next day after spending the night at Utica - it of course rained, and poured when G. & Lucy arrived an hour late. We were sorry Mrs. H. & Lucy left Saturday. They and I got no chance to sketch as first we had cool days and Lucy had a cold and the had no time as she left so soon, she and G - did nothing else but write and work on a mail bag for the Frenche's but now are at rest and peace in that line. It has been raining since last night, so today Mary and I baked and I have been reading till my eyes seemed out of my head due I think to the print which was not over large. Mary Mosle has been riding with us lately and today she was to have her last ride which could not be [[strikethrough]] had [[/strikethrough]] on account of the rain.

Nene left today and by this time I hope is home and can tell you about us in general. Mrs. Mosle is going to spend