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a few days with us then hopes to take G- to see a place near Cherry Valley for some future summer, I think they go Monday. Mary has been in such a crazy mood tonight but at present calmed down and singing with Mama.

It is very sad indeed that Will Ascherson has lost his mother and how [[strikethrough]] nice [[/strikethrough]] pleased he must have been to have been able to go over this spring to see her still - -
I have not told you of my visite at Dublin, it was great fun my friends had a very nice but simple cottage and we were constantly out of doors, the roads are mostly shaded which is very pleasant - then too one can strole through woods and fields and get lovely views and glimpses - Mr. Frothingham took us out sailing and I saw several Brooklyn girls and had in all a most delightful time - I must say goodnight as I feel as if I should like to retire for the night and hoping you have pleasant dreams am your loving sister

Dorothea A. Dreier