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[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamp]]
Mrs. Peter Voohrees


[[seal]] * NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD * BREMEN [[/seal]] 

Baal! baal! baal! the idea of just running away when we arrive but that of course is fate - also that we after a dandy start ran into heavy seas and the result of which was - all ill - and no walk on deck it was most trying and worst of all no one to talk to - Fortunately for me the von Leyries were on board & papa had introduced us and I was with them most of the time as they were always well - our table company is very pleasant and we are lucky to say quite gay- I was glad to receive your letter on board my letters of late had been flying through the country hunting me up - as N. & Co. - everdenty in spite of my letting them know send them to Paris - It is very hard writing here as it is still shaky and some how I leave letters out