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in a motor which we had hired at Huntington. The children had a fine time.

To-morrow hunting begins at Meadow Brook, so I sent one of my horses over to hunt there & the other one at Smithtown. The one I want to sell & if I cannot find a buyer for him shortly will put him up at auction.

The Bull Moose party is very busy. One hardly gets a chance to see Mary. Last Monday they moved into their flat. I have not seen it yet, but Ethel says it is sweet. We hope to go there to dinner soon. If you & Kate have not yet sent her a birthday present, she would like rugs for her flat. We gave her one, but she needs several more.

I have been very busy the last three or 4 weeks. Kate's letter arrived & I may be able to write her a few lines to-day also, otherwise next week.

With many thanks for your present & best wishes,

Your bro., 