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Jefferson Church 

Geo B.B. Lamb
V. Prest.

H.E. Dreier
Secy and Treas

Address All Communications to the Company, New York Office

Lock-Stub Check Company., 
New (Incorporated.) York
Main Office and Factory
Bush terminal 253 36th street.
Brooklyn, N.Y October 9, 1912.

Miss Dorothea A. Dreier,
C/o Hope and Company,
Amsterdam, Holland.

My dear Dorothea:-

Your letter of the 29th ulto., enclosing warrant from the Standard Oil Company of California, and check for $406.00, received. This should have been $406.75, and I am sending them this additional amount.

I think it just as well to take all the additional oil stocks which you get in this way, as that will straighten out your small holdings. My idea is after a year or so to see just what companies are the best, and then sell the others and even up the fractions, so that. you will hold only full shares. When I do this on my own account, I will let you know, so wish you can attend to yours at the same time.

Sorry you are having so much rain. We are having Wonderful Oct. weather, clear & cool. This is our last week in the country, as we move the whole family back on the 15th. 

I haven't seen Mary for some time nor have I heard a word from Chicago, so presume all are very busy with the Bull Moose party. They had a meeting of this party in Northport last night to which we went. Bourke Cochran & Miss Carpenter both spoke, besides others whom we could not stay to hear. He is an orator and she is a speaker & was the more interesting. She was very good, I thought. The party is undoubtedly a good one, but I prefer Wilson to T.R. The hall was packed. Goodbye for the present. 

With love, 

your bro.,
