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[[note]]Edw. Dreier[[/note]]

Nov. 29/12.

[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamp]]

35 Remsen Street

My dear Dodo,

Yesterday was Thanksgiving's day when we were made happy by receiving your cable. Our party was rather small, as Raymond & Gretchen who at one time thought they might be here were also away; so there were only besides Ethel & myself, Mary, Aunt Madge, Miss Appelle (Kate's friend who happened to be in N.Y. on her way home to Boston) Eve. & Tom Landon. Bessie had expected to be back, but got a job with Lillie Langtry & was in Cleveland. She will be in N.Y. next week & play here for at least one week if not longer. So you see our party was small.

I hope this letter will arrive only a day after your birthday at the latest & bring you my heartiest good wishes. May you live to a ripe old age & never feel older! I have still to think what my present will be & may have thought of something before the letter is finished. I cannot, however, compete with your generosity.

Yesterday they were to have the regular Thanksgiving's day Point-to-Point race in the Meadow Brook country but we had a severe snow fall or rather storm, as the snow itself did not amount to much after it stopped. We went to Garden City for lunch, thinking it might stop, but it grew worse so the race was postponed till tomorrow, Saturday. It started to clear about 3 p.m. & was a fine