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Marie Appelle happened to be in N.Y. on Thanksg. Day, so Mary brought her over. Tom Landon was the only other member of the family with us. Bessie being in Cleveland acting. She is now back & they are both together in a play which leaves for Buffalo on the 23rd, so they will be away for the holidays.

Next Saturday we are going to the opera as your guests as Mrs. Forbes did not care to see that opera. We expect to enjoy it very much & thank you for the seats.

I am not sure whether I acknowledged your recent letters or not. Anyway, I was glad to hear from you. I am practically all right again, altho' I have not yet been able to ride & it is over 5 weeks ago. It was not the fall that hurt me, but that the horse accidently kicked me on the head as I fell right under his legs, a curious accident.

The presents you sent for us & the baby arrived & I understood from the Bartletts that you wanted to know the duty which was $4.50 in all. The dress was very pretty & the other things we have not looked at yet.

Agnes had a fair to-day at which Nanette sold & Theo. bought. He purchased some stamps. Nanette is collecting Indian things & John autographs. He already has one of T.R. & another of W. Wilson.

I bought a second hand Stevens-Duryea car & ran it for a month hoping to learn all about it, but my accident interfered & now the car is put up for the winter. It is pretty expensive to run it in the city with a chauffeur, particularly when all the shoes give out at once.

Carl Vietor was married recently & Ethel went to the wedding to represent the family. His bride seems very nice. We sent her a family present, as usual. Joe Seaman is engaged to Josie Natman, nee Richardson. Another engagement is the youngest Miss Ogden, Clara to an unknown man! The Junior League of B'klyn is going to give a fancy dress ball of the year 1830 on New Year's Eve to which we will probably go.

Ethel is now chairman of the Boro' of B'klyn for the Suffrage party & is very busy. She is doing splendid work.

Goodbye now! With love & best wishes,

Your bro., Edw.

Encl'd are letters from Nanette & John. Theo is sending his separate.