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Jefferson Church 

Geo B.B.Lamb. 
V. Prest. 

Secy. and Treas. 

Address All Communications to the Company, New York Office  

Lock-Stub Check Company.,
New (Incorporated) York.
Main Office and Factory
Bush Terminal, 253 36th Street.
Brooklyn, N.Y. Jan. 14, 1913. 

Chicago Office 
22 Quincy Street.

My dear Dodo,

Your two letters of Dec. 31 & Jan. 5th were duly received. I was glad to get the news from you. Much obliged for your check which leaves a balance due me of $13.12 as per statement enclosed. 

There has been a lot doing here lately about suffrage, something almost every week. The State Senate just voted in favor of the suffrage bill 40 to 1, the one being from B'klyn!

Yesterday we took dinner at the Alfred Whites where we met Mr. & Mrs. May among others. She said she had heard from you lately. Mr. White showed us some of his beautiful illuminated books & also original drawings by Blake, so we had a very enjoyable evening.

Kate is now again at the Beaux Arts on 40th St. & getting settled eventually. Mary reached Chinsegut in good shape & has started in to rest & regain her strength & health.

I will make up a list of your stocks so that you can check them over & see whether you got them all. Enclosed is a printed list of the different Standard Oil subsidiaries from whom you should have received dividends last year. Some of these are very small, being less than $1.- as you own only a fraction of a share in some of the companies. You had better check