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[[note]] Edw. Dreier [[/note]]  


[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamp]]

Hamilton Club
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Dear Dodo,

Your letter with the stamps for Theo. & $25.- as an Easter present for Ethel & myself arrived to-day. Many thanks for such a generous present.

Ethel is at Camden just now with Mary & I hope she will stay thro' the week as she needed a rest badly herself.

Gretchen arrived here Sunday on her way to Richmond & stayed till Tuesday. She had a good time with the children who were all very happy with her.

The spring hunting has started & I have had three or four gallops on "Gus Helm." He is going splendidly so far & I hope will continue. A short while ago I bought a pony for the children, but he is at Westbury so they have not yet seen him. It is a very nice little black pony. 

I hope you received my cable about Vickers & also my letters explaining it. To-day I have a cable from Naylor, Benzon & Co. saying they had sold the shares so you will get the papers to sign any day. As the price went down since I wrote you, the profit will not be as much as I had first figured but probably between $900.- & $1000.-

The Pa. R.R. will have some more rights also.

Kate has been very busy with her painting & planing the cottage