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Jefferson Church. 

Geo. B. B. Lamb. 
V. Prest. 

H.E. Dreier.
Secy. And Treas.

Address All Communications To The Company, New York Office 

Chicago Office,
22 Quincy Street.

Lock-Stub Check Company.,
New (Incorporated.) York.

Main Office and Factory
Bush Terminal 253 36th Street
Brooklyn, N.Y. May 29, 1913.

Miss Dorothea A. Dreier,
C/o Hope & Company,

Amsterdam, Holland.

My dear Dorothea:-

At last I am able to settle up the Vickers' deal, and have deposited my check to your order in the Long Island Loan & Trust Company for $850.54, as explained below.

The profit is actually about $15.00 or so more, as you now hold two more shares of the ordinary than you had before. It is, however, not as large as I anticipated, for two reasons, one being that when we were in a position to sell, the market in London ruled weak, and instead of selling at 39s or 40s we were able to get only a little over 37½s. Then again, it seems we had to allow for the dividend that we received on the stock which we sold, which was entirely unexpected and unusual according to American customs, as the dividend had actually been paid before the stock was sold, and made it about $140.00 lass than I anticipated. At best, it was a somewhat difficult operation, owing to the limited time in which we had to sell, and also the distance from London, but I suppose the way to consider these small disappointment is that we are anyway so much ahead. 

The enclosed copy of Naylor, Benzon & Company's letter, of May 9th explains how the total profit of £879.9.7 was arrived at. This, at the rate of exchange obtained, ($4.86 1/4) amount to $4276.46, of which your share of one-fifth is $855.29

From this had still to be deducted the cables and messages from the New York and, attended to by Naylor & Company, amounting to $10.50, of which your one-fifth is - - $2.10 and the two cables which I sent you in March and April amounting to - -  2.65  making a total deduction of  - -  4.75
leaves a balance of - - $850.54 the amount of the check deposited, as mentioned above.
I had hoped this would have been at least $1000.- which it would almost have been had the dividend not been deducted. 

To-day we are going to the country to be away over & Sunday & next week we all move down for good,.

Mary leaves for St. Louis tomorrrow for the Woman's Trade Union League Convention & will meet Gretchen there.  They will both stay at Julie Vietor Davis' while there.  Goodbye for the present.  

Your bro.,


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