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45 Wall Street,
New York, Aug. 27/13.

My dear Dodo,

Your long letter was rec'd a few days ago & also your letter of the 15th inst. enclosing check for $1.000. for the Am. T. & T. Co. These Am. T. & T. bonds were sold last Apl. & I wrote you on Apl. 25th that the transaction was closed & that there was a profit of $82.89 which I had deposited for you that day in the Trust Co. You evidently forgot to make a note of this, & so I return your check herewith for you to cancel.

The next payment you have to make is to the Grt. Northern R.R. Co. which is due Oct. 10/13 & amounts to $400.- for which please send me a check in good time.

Theo. rec'd your letter with stamps which made him very happy & we were interested to see what you wrote about the Spinners, etc.

Kate had a very pleasant trip over & was very happy on her return. We dined together that night having a very jolly time at Cafe Lafayette on 9th St. The next morning she went to Redding & is now moving in. Mary spent last Sunday with her there & said it was lovely.

G. & R. Steamer was due yesterday, Tuesd., but instead they came in early Monday morning. What do