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you think of that! Consequently nobody was there to meet them & they arrived at Mary's appartment just after Mary had come in herself from Redding. We lunched together Mond. & Tuesd. & then they all went off to the Camp. Mary was very happy & well, but looked very thin & not like a plump little partridge as I expected her to be. Raymond did not look well Mond. probably being tired from his early arrival, as he looked much better Tuesd. A further quiet rest in the country would do him good too! G. was as Raymond says, the prize pig & felt as well as she looked. R. brought me a box of cigars which he had carried all the way from Manila.

We are all well but had quite a little upset in the house as our maid Rachel got a terrible case of ivy poison & had to be finally sent to the hospital. It spread thro' her blood where it got by scratching all over her body & the itching almost drove her wild. She is still at the hosp.

G. & R. had a splendid trip all over but of course we did not have time to hear much about it yet. I hope you are all rested & feeling well now. Meta Brünyis has been quite sick.

With love,

Your bro., 


[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamp]]

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